Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas Spirit

The smell of burning wood seeps through the dorm window. I stand on my roommate’s bed to pull the window down and stick my nose against the clawed screen. I close my eyes. My memory transports me to my living room at home in California. The slanted Douglas fir tree shines with colorful Christmas lights and decorations collected throughout the years. The glowing angel stands proudly at the tip of the tree. The fireplace crackles as my dad arranges the burnt wood to make room for the new. My mom and sister bring sweet potatoes and potatoes wrapped in aluminum foil. I grab the tongs from my dad so that I can put in the wrapped potatoes. After I am finished with my small yet important task, I plop onto the couch. I doze off listening to "White Christmas" before I get a chance to eat my sweet potato.  

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dear TV

Lyrics of "Dear Tv" by Tablo

Dear TV, desensitize me. Gimme more genocide please. The world is your aphrodisiac, so you stay turned on every minute, every second I breathe. You weaponize greed, kill me with incessant I needs. Got me checkin' out those, and checkin' out these. Mainstream me, disinfectin' my breed. I'm lookin' for nirvana but you Geffenize me. Point me to the skies till heaven's eye bleeds. Anoint me with your lies then divinize me. If heaven is a show, well, televise me. But I won't lie my way in, no fakin' IDs. I'll die standin'. Try breakin my knees. I'll do a handstand like I'm breakin'. Now freeze. Don't act like you know me 'cause you recognize me. You sell my record, not me.